
Abidur Rahman Dipta

Fullstack Developer

Email: rahmanabid083@gmail.com


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Github Repo

Built an e-commerce site using Vue.js, Django REST Framework, PostgreSQL with full create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations hitting all RESTful API calls. Used JWT user authentication which creates a user token once a user has logged in. Tested API routes using Postman to ensure functionality during production. Deployed the front-end to Netlify and the backend to Heroku and leveraged Git for version control.

Vue Django Postgres JWT Netlify

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Github Repo

Developed this app using the PERN stack (Postgres, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) with full create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations hitting all RESTful API calls. This an app where people can post about the crimes they witnessed. Used Bcrypt for user authentication which creates a user token once a user has logged in. Used Mongoose to define schemas for MongoDB collections. Deployed the web application to a remote server(Heroku), and leveraged Git for version control

React Express Node Postgres Bcrypt Heroku

Live Project picture
Github Repo

Used Window animation-frame , CSS3, and HTML5 to provide visuals to the game. Utilized Javascript and Vanilla Javascript in creating event listeners for document object model manipulation stage transitions. Used Localstorage to store highscores of the game so players can compare with each other.


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Github Repo

Developed a blog website using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React.js, Node.js) that allows users to post articles. Used React.js to serve the front-end with Javascript methods and functions. Made RESTful API fetch calls to an Express, MongoDB, Node.js backend handling all create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations and tested all backend routes during development using Insomnia. Used Mongoose to define schemas for MongoDB collections. Implemented ES6 tagged template literals with Styled-Components along CSS3 to provide style and flexbox + grid layout. Deployed the web application to a remote server(Heroku).

React Express Node MongoDB Heroku